Anger Management

Anger is a common response to frustrating or threatening experiences. It can also be a secondary response to sadness, loneliness, or fear. In some cases, the emotion may seem to arise from nowhere. In these cases, the emotion can hinder a person’s decision-making, damage relationships, and otherwise cause harm. Learning to control anger can limit the emotional damage.

Anger management involves a range of skills that can help with recognizing the signs of anger and handling triggers in a positive way. It requires a person to identify anger at an early stage and to express their needs while remaining calm and in control. Anger often emerges while confronting others about specific problems, situations, or grievances

What are some of the symptoms that a person with anger issues may need professional help ?
  • frequently feeling that they have to hold in their anger
  • regularly having intense arguments with family, friends, or colleagues
  • getting involved in fights or physical confrontations
  • physically assaulting a partner or child
  • threatening violence to people or property
  • breaking objects during an outburst
  • being in trouble with the law
  • losing their temper when driving and becoming reckless
How we help

At HMT, anger management is done via different techniques including stress management and therapies involving CBT, REBT among others.