Psychometric Assessments

Psychometric assessment offers insights into a person’s mental abilities, skills, intelligence, personality traits, motivations and interests. These tests are often used to measure cognitive functions, behavioural traits, developmental progress and their interest. We have RCI Registered clinical psychologists’ to review in the test and provide with valuable inputs.

It can also be used to profile the mental health status of an individual. The data obtained through these tests give both the client and the clinician insight into the client’s world through their unique perspective. Overall they are conducted to facilitate the therapy and counselling process in a smooth manner. Objectivity is key to using these assessments and here at HMT, we make sure to provide you with fair and accurate results each time it's given.

Benefits of psychometric testing :
  • In-depth knowledge about the issues faced by an individual
  • Increased accuracy of diagnoses
  • Information about current levels of functioning
  • In-depth understanding about individual’s problematic behaviors
  • Testing highlights areas in which the individual needs additional support
  • Client strengths are figured out which helps in treatment
  • More targeted goals for treatment planning
  • Helps give better insight about an individual's aptitude, personality and intelligence levels.