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Just click on the BOOK A SESSION button, fill in the details and start your journey with HMT (with you, for you).

Holistic Mind Therapy is a mental health centre with an empathetic group of people who are there to help you through your concerns. Through our counselling process, you get a better understanding of who you are, your needs, strengths, and the cause/s behind the problems you are facing. We equip you with different personalised techniques that can help you navigate through your life in a healthy and wholesome manner.

The therapist has completed her masters in psychology along with a diploma in counselling and cognitive therapies. The therapist has attended to more than a hundred clients in her practice and continues her journey to learn and gain knowledge as a professional which helps her cater to the client’s needs and requirements in a holistic manner.

In the first session the therapist and the client get acquantainted with each other. The therapist understands the client’s needs & problems they are facing currently and guides them accordingly.

One counselling session is approximately 50-60 minutes.

Once you start in with your therapy sessions, depending upon the concerns the therapist provides you with an estimated number of sessions.

Yesssss! The therapy sessions are designed in a manner which works towards helping clients detangle their problems, gain insights into WHAT THEY WANT and HELP THEM ACHIEVE IT !

No. The sessions are designed in a manner that makes the client independent of the therapist.

Yes, Absolutely. Every detail you share with HMT is 100% confidential.

Yes, but a 24 hour notice is required.

A psychiatrist is a doctor who prescribes medication according to the concern of the patient whereas a psychologist is a professional who focuses on the roots of the problem through a therapeutic approach.

Though the terms counsellor and therapist are used interchangeably, a therapist is a mental health professional who may also provide therapies to the clients and is trained in various types of therapies like CBT or REBT whereas a counsellor focuses on present day problems that may be affecting your overall mental health and well-being.

No, psychologists focus on therapeutic approaches.

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You are given in-depth instructions on what the test is, what it measures and how to take it. They answer all the queries and provide you with material that is required to take the test.

It depends on several factors, including the client’s attentiveness, willingness, understanding, speed and the type of test they are taking among others. But usually, most tests take about 30-45 minutes.

It takes about 3-4 days to score, interpret and prepare the report. Once the report is complete, the client is informed and a report discussion session is booked.

The scoring for psychometric tests is done by a qualified RCI registered psychologist depending on the test that an individual is advised to take. The report is prepared based on the client’s case history and answers given by the client.

Once the report is prepared, the therapist takes a report discussion session to explain what the report entails and how it will help in their treatment, with any other query the client may have.