Corporate Wellness

Achieve a healthy workplace today by taking care of your employee’s

Corporate wellness programmes at Holistic Mind Therapy are curated towards supporting and encouraging a holistic environment for employee wellbeing. Our corporate wellness structures work beyond the traditional setup of wellness programmes by engaging in activities that foster healthy habits among employees which is directly proportional towards increasing productivity, optimising employee engagement and boosting human resource investments.

Our corporate wellness structures are designed to create a mentally healthy organisational climate by addressing different levels of mental health intervention needed by your employees.

Workshops Seminars & Public Speaking

Our training programs and workshops help employees work on their mental health concerns. The techniques and strategies we acquaint the employees with helps them recover from stress and strike a work-life balance which eventually maximises their potential at work. We curate workshops and training sessions based on what your team needs the most. We also make your employees feel comfortable and provide guidance to resolve their personal and work-related issues.

Employee Assistance Program

An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a work based intervention which entails a confidential, one-on-one counselling session offered by HMT to employers for their employees to provide support for their emotional and mental well-being in the workplace as well as in their personal lives. EAP’s can help improve the quality of work by improvising the functioning of an individual. These programs are available to employees and their immediate family members.

Corporate Assessments

Mental Health risk assessments are standardised tools used to objectively measure an individual's personality traits, aptitude, intelligence, abilities and behavioural style. These tests help give better insights into people’s thought process and patterns. Overall they are conducted to facilitate a positive cultural change and enhanced leadership skills
