Domino Effect : Impact of Simple Gestures !

Domino Effect : Impact of Simple Gestures !

Domino Effect : Impact of Simple Gestures !

An old lady walking down the street saw a young girl weeping while she conversed with someone on the phone. The lady approaches the girl and with a smile, says “Whatever it is, it will get better, it always does”. These words may seem comparatively ineffective coming from a stranger who is barely aware of her situation. However, it led to a powerful impact on the girl who was at least partially assured that the situation wasn't as difficult as she thought it was. The next time she cried, she was reminded of the old lady’s wise words while bringing a smile to her face for a brief period. She also ensured that when she met someone who looked like they were in a difficult situation, she passed on the kindness she received which had assured her at that moment that situations, no matter how difficult, are manageable.

The domino effect, which refers to the effect that is produced when a particular event sets off a chain reaction for similar events, may be underestimated in our day to day life. The usual notion that important and big consequences are observed when huge changes take place is challenged by the domino effect, particularly when it comes to displaying kindness. One small event that may seem irrelevant and inconsequential can produce some major and powerful changes.

The beauty of this effect is that any small gesture of genuine kindness does not take anything away from us, but we end up giving a lot more than what we think we have. It also adds to our own sense of self, knowing that you made someone’s day better just by a few words or simple gestures allows you to be proud of yourself because you know you made a small but significant difference.


How to Display Greater Kindness

1. Develop Empathy:  

Empathy, in its most basic sense, is the ability to see the world from the eyes of others or looking at the situation from the other person’s perspective. Kindness cannot be displayed in an honest and genuine form without understanding what the person is experiencing and metaphorically, stepping in the shoes of others. Kindness, without empathy, does not express itself honestly and thus, in order to be kind towards others, one must step out of their own world and imagine what it must be like for the other person. Empathy, rather than sympathy yields kindness in its truest form. Empathy can be practiced by being a good listener, letting yourself free from judgment, being present in the moment and by asking relevant questions with genuine curiosity.


2. Simple Gestures:

As the domino effect mentions, kindness need not be exhibited by grand and huge gestures. Simple acts such as paying a compliment to someone, even a stranger, saying thank you more often, saying something optimistic that could enhance an individual’s terrible mood, helping someone who is lost with directions, smile at a stranger or something as simple as letting someone know that you are there for them and that they are not alone can yield drastic consequences.


3. Learn to display unconditional kindness:

Kindness can be practiced in its purest forms when it is displayed without any expectations of receiving the same. When conditions are set of receiving the same or similar behaviors in the future while displaying kindness, the kindness received is not genuine. Kindness must also not be displayed out of the aim of pleasing people. Good and authentic intentions aimed at simply helping people, without any expectations or conditions yield the results of kindness in sincere forms and benefit people greatly.

Kindness can thus be greatly contagious. One can make the world a better and a happier place to live in for themselves and for others. Kindness when displayed in a genuine form goes around in circles. A person who exhibits kindness without the intention of receiving it back, ironically, always receives it back. Living in a world that is already experiencing suffering, a simple act of kindness can create endless ripples and thus, contribute to a happier and better world to live in.


Artcile written by - Janhavi Pore, 2nd November 2022.