Geriatic Counselling

Geriatric mental health therapy is focused on the psychological and emotional needs of the elderly. Therapy can help older adults who may have difficulty with the transitions of aging to manage their emotions, find new sources of enjoyment and meaning, and find new support systems.

Why seek counselling?

All adults may experience health issues and stress as they approach and pass middle age, and the support of a therapist or other mental health professional may help ease the transition.

It may be difficult for some adults to face the transition to retirement, deal with new frailty or medical conditions, or find enjoyable, meaningful activities if they do experience physical challenges that limit their mobility.

It may also be difficult for some older adults to face mortality, especially when friends, peers, or spouses and partners pass on, and they may come to experience isolation in the wake of many such deaths. Geriatric Counselors provide physical and psychological assessment services for older adults, along with counseling, treatment for mental health issues, and assistance with problems interfering with a senior's quality of life.

How we help

There are a number of counselling approaches commonly used in practice at HMT including CBT, REBT, Interpersonal therapy (IPT), Psychodynamic therapy, Supportive counselling, Validation therapy, Task-centred, goal-focused therapy and Gestalt therapy among others.