Parent Counselling

Counselling for parents focuses on ways to help improve the important relationships in your life especially with your partner and children. It aims to provide the necessary knowledge, tools, guidance, and most importantly support to parents without bias or judgment. This way, they become more equipped to take care of their relationships with others, especially children.

How to know if you as a Parent need Counselling ?
  • You face trouble in implementing routines for your family
  • You are not able to deal with children when they refuse to take instructions
  • You are not able to manage your child’s behavior effectively
  • Problems in your marriage, such as finances and infidelity, have a negative impact on your children
  • You are suffering from a health problem which prevents you from spending time with your family, especially your children
  • Your child is facing teenage issues
  • You are not able to connect with or communicate effectively with your child
  • Grief or loss in the family
How will you benefit from counselling ?
  • It helps you understand the emotions and needs of your child better.
  • It helps you form a better relationship with your spouse and extended family.
  • Helps in coping with a loss.
  • Emotional well-being of your child in case of a divorce or separation from spouse.
  • A friendly, unbiased and positive approach to tackle family issues with no blame or sermons; only an opportunity for self-discovery.
  • An unbiased view about the issues you are facing in your family, and ways to cope with them.
  • Helps increase your confidence in parenting abilities and strategies.
How we help

At HMT, the therapist helps parents deal with the issues they are facing by going to the underlying cause using therapies like CBT, exposure therapy and other psychodynamic theories in order to develop a strategic personalized treatment plan.