Queer Affirmative Therapy

Queer affirmative therapy is a therapeutic practice that takes a positive view of Lesbian, Gay, Transgender and Queer persons, their identities, and their relationships.

Need for Queer Affirmative Therapy

The LGBTQ+ community go through unique challenges because of their gender identities, sexual orientations, face social stigma, violence, and discrimination.

These challenges can cause a significant degree of stress among them, many of whom may need to stay “closeted”, i.e., hide their real identities to be safe and accepted.

Minority stress can be experienced in the form of everyday hassles like hearing homophobic jokes or more serious negative events like loss of employment, housing, physical and sexual assault. They are also expected to conform to the gender norms that prevail in the larger society and face sexual prejudice. Other contextual factors like their race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic status, and disabilities also influence their lived experiences and their relationship with their sexuality.

How we help

This brings about a need for special therapeutic interventions for queer individuals to have a safe space and resolve these issues. The role of the therapist is to affirm the experiences of their clients without judgment, biasness, prescribing them a cure or pushing them towards any direction. Even if the therapist doesn’t understand their lived realities or context, this practice affirms their experiences.