Stress Management

Stress is the body’s response to physical or emotional demands. Emotional stress can play a role in causing depression or be a symptom of it. A stressful situation can trigger feelings of depression, and these feelings can make it more difficult to deal with stress.

What causes stress ?

When the mind feels threatened, the body produces more stress hormones — such as cortisol — to help the body fight or run away from the threat. This works well if you’re in real danger, but it doesn’t always benefit you in your daily life.

Some of the situations that may lead to stress are -
  • Job issues or retirement
  • lack of time or money
  • bereavement
  • family problems
  • illness
  • moving home
  • moving or talking more slowly
  • relationships, marriage, and divorce
  • excessive noise, overcrowding, and pollution
  • uncertainty or waiting for an important outcome
Some of the symptoms that you may have stress are -
  • pain in the back or chest
  • cramps or muscle spasms
  • fainting and headaches
  • burnout
  • concentration issues
  • fatigue
  • a feeling of insecurity
  • food cravings and eating too much or too little
  • sudden angry outbursts
  • drug and alcohol misuse
How we help

At HMT, the therapist help an individual deal with stress by going to the underlying cause using therapies like CBT, Exposure therapy and other psychodynamic theories in order to develop a strategic personalized treatment plan.